On Wednesday 6th February, Year 6 set off to go to Camp Collaroy for two nights and three days.
Camp Collaroy is a huge property, on Sydney’s Northern beaches that is used for school camps. This property is set close to Collaroy beach, which meant we could do some really fun activities there.
The activities that Year 6 participated in required everyone to step out of their comfort zones and to trust in themselves and their peers. The activities we did were: laser tag, archery, giant swing, rock climbing, flying fox, fun in the sun and games on the oval. These activities were incredibly fun and challenging but Year 6 did a great job in taking part.
On the last night of camp, all of Year 6, including the teachers, had to get ready to go on a walk that would take an hour and a half. The camp guides that were taking us on the walk explained the rules before we set off. We walked past shops, houses and the beach. When we reached the midpoint destination, we stopped and looked at the view. It was so magical.
We were on top of a mountain which had a breathtaking view of the ocean. We could see all the way to the city in one direction and all the way to Gosford in the other. We stopped for a group photo before we began to walk back to camp. On the way back we needed our torches because it was starting to get dark. When we got back and up the giant hill, we all flopped onto the grass and didn’t want to move because we were so tired!
We were all exhausted at the end of the camp and although we were grateful for the experience, we were super excited to go home.
Camp Collaroy was the best camp ever!
Michael, Elizabeth and Matilda
13 Sep 2024
From Facebook
In Mathematics, Year 3 have been exploring measurement. We have been using different instruments such as measuring jugs and scales to measure capacity and mass. In Religion, we have been looking at the parable of the Fig Tree. We are making our own Fig Tree to show how our faith is helping us to grow and be fruitful disciples of Jesus. In Geography, we are learning about Australia and its neighbouring countries. We have been using Google Classroom to complete an investigation about a country in the Oceania region. In English we have been reading the book Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda. We have been looking at how authors use different forms of characterisation, including the use of indirect and direct characterisation.10 Sep 2024
From Facebook
Over the past 4 weeks, Mrs Anderiesz, Mrs Diaz, Mrs Brackenbury, as well as the Mitri Family, have been conducting sacramental sessions for those students who are preparing to receive their sacrament of First Holy Communion. However, participation in the sacraments is not just an individual venture, it is something that happens within community because our faith is one that happens within community. Last week at assembly, each Grade was provided with a special frame with the names of the students they have been gifted to pray for. Over the next 5 weeks each Grade will dedicate a special morning prayer to those students, reminding all of us of the sacredness of the Eucharist and the presence of Christ in our lives.